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How You Can Help The Charity

Every donation we receive can make a big difference to our resident’s lives.  We have lots of online ways you can help but
we are also delighted to receive your donations in the post, please make all cheques payable to Solden Hill House Limited.

A Brief History Of Our Charity

In the not-to-distant past, the care, education, and opportunities provided to differently-abled individuals were vastly different from what is known today. The original Solden Hill House residents came from a children's home in Stourbridge in the Midlands. As was common practice, males and females were not permitted to share accommodations once they reached puberty, necessitating the discovery of two new homes, one for girls and one for boys. 

The boys were housed in Solden Hill, a weekend cottage previously owned by an affluent family, while the chauffeur and gardener resided in the semi-detached house located at the top of the drive. The founder of the home, Fred Apps, held a lifelong conviction that every individual, regardless of their disability, possessed inherent value and could make a genuine contribution to society. In these times, the prevailing view was that those who were differently-abled  required only safety and separation from the surrounding community. However, at Solden, practical, craft-based, and artistic workshops were established, along with garden work, which breathed new life into the community. 

Fundraising efforts gradually improved the quality of life provided to the residents.   In the initial years, the annual Garden Party raised £1,000, a substantial sum at that time, which instilled a sense of pride and joy in all those who contributed to the funds. Originally, the accommodation consisted of 4-bed dormitories, but subsequently, single bedrooms became available. For some residents, it was the first time they had experienced the luxury of privacy and personal space. Thanks to a generous donation, "Apps House" was erected in the garden, providing additional lodging. The Variety Club of Great Britain generously gifted a "Sunshine Coach" minibus, which facilitated practical outings such as shopping and leisure activities, enabling the residents to enjoy the same experiences as others.

Our Trustees

Our Trustees work collectively as a board and take decisions at formal board meetings. Once a decision has been collectively made all trustees are bound to support that decision.

Our trustees demonstrate values such as honesty and integrity. They are all committed to the charity’s aims and values. In addition, they have many different skills, experiences, attributes and areas of knowledge that our charity welcomes.   

Our board is made up of non-paid volunteers. The Chair is Tom Espley with Vice Chair being Catherine Wardlaw, the remaining members of our board are  Mark Greaves,  Liz Horton and Rashpal Singh who together with the senior management team make decisions based on the needs of the residents. 

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